Source code for orchestra.models

from datetime import datetime
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
from jsonfield import JSONField

from orchestra.core.errors import ModelSaveError
from orchestra.workflow import get_workflow_choices
from orchestra.workflow import get_step_choices
from orchestra.workflow import get_workflow_by_slug
from orchestra.workflow import Step
from orchestra.utils.assignment_snapshots import load_snapshots

# TODO(marcua): Convert ManyToManyFields to django-hstore referencefields or
# wait for django-postgres ArrayFields in Django 1.8.

[docs]class Certification(models.Model): """ Certifications allow workers to perform different types of tasks. Attributes: slug (str): Unique identifier for the certification. name (str): Human-readable name for the certification. description (str): A longer description of the certification. required_certifications ([orchestra.models.Certification]): Prerequisite certifications for possessing this one. """ slug = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=200) description = models.TextField() required_certifications = models.ManyToManyField('self', blank=True) def __str__(self): return '{}'.format(self.slug)
[docs]class Worker(models.Model): """ Workers are human experts within the Orchestra ecosystem. Attributes: user (django.contrib.auth.models.User): Django user whom the worker represents. start_datetime (datetime.datetime): The time the worker was created. slack_username (str): The worker's Slack username if Slack integration is enabled. """ user = models.OneToOneField(User) start_datetime = models.DateTimeField( slack_username = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) def __str__(self): return '{}'.format(self.user.username)
[docs]class WorkerCertification(models.Model): """ A WorkerCertification maps a worker to a certification they possess. Attributes: certification (orchestra.models.Certification): Certification belonging to the corresponding worker. worker (orchestra.models.Worker): Worker possessing the given certification. task_class (orchestra.models.WorkerCertification.TaskClass): Represents whether the worker is in training for the given certification or prepared to work on real tasks. role (orchestra.models.WorkerCertification.Role): Represents whather the worker is an entry-level or review worker for the given certification. Constraints: `certification`, `worker`, `task_class`, and `role` are taken to be unique_together. Worker must possess an entry-level WorkerCertification before obtaining a reviewer one. """ class Meta: unique_together = ('certification', 'worker', 'task_class', 'role') class TaskClass: TRAINING = 0 REAL = 1 TASK_CLASS_CHOICES = ( (TaskClass.TRAINING, 'Training tasks'), (TaskClass.REAL, 'A real task')) # If a worker has a REVIEWER certification, then they must have # an ENTRY_LEVEL certification class Role: ENTRY_LEVEL = 0 REVIEWER = 1 ROLE_CHOICES = ( (Role.ENTRY_LEVEL, 'Entry-level'), (Role.REVIEWER, 'Reviewer')) certification = models.ForeignKey(Certification) worker = models.ForeignKey(Worker, related_name='certifications') task_class = models.IntegerField(choices=TASK_CLASS_CHOICES) role = models.IntegerField(choices=ROLE_CHOICES) def __str__(self): return '{} - {} - {} - {}'.format( self.worker.user.username, self.certification.slug, dict(WorkerCertification.TASK_CLASS_CHOICES)[self.task_class], dict(WorkerCertification.ROLE_CHOICES)[self.role]) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.role == WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER: if not (WorkerCertification.objects .filter(worker=self.worker, task_class=self.task_class, certification=self.certification, role=WorkerCertification.Role.ENTRY_LEVEL) .exists()): raise ModelSaveError('You are trying to add a reviewer ' 'certification ({}) for a worker without ' 'an entry-level certification' .format(self)) super(WorkerCertification, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Project(models.Model): """ A project is a collection of tasks representing a workflow. Attributes: status (orchestra.models.Project.Status): Represents whether the project is being actively worked on. workflow_slug (str): Identifies the workflow that the project represents. start_datetime (datetime.datetime): The time the project was created. priority (int): Represents the relative priority of the project. task_class (int): Represents whether the project is a worker training exercise or a deliverable project. review_document_url (str): The URL for the review document to be passed between workers and reviwers for the project's tasks. slack_group_id (str): The project's internal Slack group ID if Slack integration is enabled. """ class Status: ACTIVE = 0 ABORTED = 2 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (Status.ACTIVE, 'Active'), (Status.ABORTED, 'Aborted')) status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=Status.ACTIVE) workflow_slug = models.CharField(max_length=200, choices=get_workflow_choices()) short_description = models.TextField() start_datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) priority = models.IntegerField() project_data = JSONField(default={}) task_class = models.IntegerField( choices=WorkerCertification.TASK_CLASS_CHOICES) review_document_url = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True) slack_group_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return '{} ({})'.format(str(self.workflow_slug), self.short_description)
[docs]class Task(models.Model): """ A task is a cohesive unit of work representing a workflow step. Attributes: step_slug (str): Identifies the step that the project represents. project (orchestra.models.Project): The project to which the task belongs. status (orchestra.models.Task.Status): Represents the task's stage within its lifecycle. """ class Status: AWAITING_PROCESSING = 0 PROCESSING = 1 PENDING_REVIEW = 2 REVIEWING = 3 POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING = 4 COMPLETE = 5 ABORTED = 6 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (Status.AWAITING_PROCESSING, 'Awaiting Processing'), (Status.PROCESSING, 'Processing'), (Status.PENDING_REVIEW, 'Pending Review'), (Status.REVIEWING, 'Reviewing'), (Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING, 'Post-review Processing'), (Status.ABORTED, 'Aborted'), (Status.COMPLETE, 'Complete')) step_slug = models.CharField(max_length=200, choices=get_step_choices()) project = models.ForeignKey(Project, related_name='tasks') status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES) def __str__(self): return '{} - {}'.format(str(self.project), str(self.step_slug))
[docs]class TaskAssignment(models.Model): """ A task assignment is a worker's assignment for a given task. Attributes: start_datetime (datetime.datetime): The time the project was created. worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The worker to whom the given task is assigned. task (orchestra.models.Task): The given task for the task assignment. status (orchestra.models.Project.Status): Represents whether the assignment is currently being worked on. assignment_counter (int): Identifies the level of the assignment in the given task's review hierarchy (i.e., 0 represents an entry-level worker, 1 represents the task's first reviewer, etc.). in_progress_task_data (str): A JSON blob containing the worker's input data for the task assignment. snapshots (str): A JSON blob containing saved snapshots of previous data from the task assignment. Constraints: `task` and `assignment_counter` are taken to be unique_together. Task assignments for machine-type tasks cannot have a `worker`, while those for human-type tasks must have one. """ class Meta: unique_together = ('task', 'assignment_counter') class SnapshotType: SUBMIT = 0 ACCEPT = 1 REJECT = 2 class Status: PROCESSING = 0 SUBMITTED = 1 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (Status.PROCESSING, 'Processing'), (Status.SUBMITTED, 'Submitted')) start_datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) worker = models.ForeignKey(Worker, null=True, blank=True) task = models.ForeignKey(Task, related_name='assignments') status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES) # Counter of a worker assigned to the task assignment_counter = models.IntegerField(default=0) # Opaque field that stores current state of task as per the Step's # description in_progress_task_data = JSONField() # When a worker submits, accepts, or rejects a task, we snapshot their # in_workflow_task_data along with the date in the following format: # {'snapshots': [ # {'data': snapshotted_task_data, # 'datetime': ISO 8601 datetime in UTC time, # 'work_time_seconds': integer seconds, # 'type': value from SnapshotType}] # '__version': 1} snapshots = JSONField() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(self.task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(self.task.step_slug) if step.worker_type == Step.WorkerType.HUMAN: if self.worker is None: raise ModelSaveError('Worker has to be present ' 'if worker type is Human') else: if self.worker is not None: raise ModelSaveError('Worker should not be assigned ' 'if worker type is Machine') super(TaskAssignment, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Attach a post-init signal to TaskAssigment. Every # TaskAssignment that gets constructed will now call # this post-init signal after loading from the database # (or memory). We run `load_snapshots` after loading from # the database so that we can migrate old JSON task assignment # snapshots.
def task_assignment_post_init(sender, instance, **kwargs): instance.snapshots = load_snapshots(instance.snapshots) models.signals.post_init.connect( task_assignment_post_init, sender=TaskAssignment)