API Reference¶
Client API¶
Endpoints for communicating with Orchestra.
All requests must be signed using HTTP signatures:
from httpsig.requests_auth import HTTPSignatureAuth
auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(key_id=settings.ORCHESTRA_PROJECT_API_KEY,
response = requests.get('https://www.example.com/orchestra/api/project/create_project', auth=auth)
¶ Creates a project with the given data and returns its ID.
Query Parameters: - project_id – The ID for the desired project.
- task_class – One of real or training to specify the task class type.
- workflow_slug – The slug corresponding to the desired project’s workflow.
- description – A short description of the project.
- priority – An integer describing the priority of the project, with higher numbers describing a greater priority.
- project_data – Other miscellaneous data with which to initialize the project.
- review_document_url – Team messages Google Doc for the project. ???
Example response:
{ "project_id": 123, }
¶ Retrieve detailed information about a given project.
Query Parameters: - project_id – The ID for the desired project.
Example response:
{ "project": { "id": 123, "short_description": "Project Description", "priority": 10, "review_document_url": "http://review.document.url", "task_class": 1, "project_data": { "sample_data_item": "sample_data_value_new" }, "workflow_slug": "sample_workflow_slug", "start_datetime": "2015-09-23T20:16:02.667288Z" }, "steps": [ ["sample_step_slug", "Sample step description"] ], "tasks": { "sample_step_slug": { "id": 456, "project": 123, "status": "Processing", "step_slug": "sample_step_slug", "latest_data": { "sample_data_item": "sample_data_value_new" }, "assignments": [ { "id": 558, "snapshots": { "__version": 1, "snapshots": [ { "work_time_seconds": 3660, "datetime": "2015-09-23T20:16:15.821171", "data": { "sample_data_item": "sample_data_value_old", "__version": 1 }, "type": 0 } ] }, "worker": "sample_worker_username", "task": 456, "in_progress_task_data": { "sample_data_item": "sample_data_value_new" }, "status": "Processing", "start_datetime": "2015-09-23T20:16:17.355291Z" } ] } } }
¶ Return all stored workflows.
Example response:
{ "workflows": { "reporting": "A sample workflow for the newsroom." } }