Example Use Case: The Newsroom

Below we’ll walk you through an example of how Orchestra could be used in a newsroom by journalists, editors, and photographers to craft a story. The code for this example can be found in our github repo.

The workflow


The image above depicts our example workflow, which is composed of the following steps:

  • An editor finds a good story and sends a reporter off to investigate.
  • The reporter writes up a draft article.
  • A more experienced reporter then reviews the article and suggests improvements.
  • In parallel with the reporting step, a photographer captures photos for the story.
  • A senior photographer reviews the photos and selects the best ones.
  • The selected photos are resized and recolored for display across different media.
  • Finally, a copy editor adds headlines and photo captions to complete the story.

To make things work in practice, there’s also a hidden machine step at the beginning of the workflow to set up some google documents and folders for article writing and image storage.

Running the workflow


If you haven’t followed the getting started guide to set up Orchestra yet, you should do that now. Also, make sure that 'journalism_workflow' is in your INSTALLED_APPS setting, and that you have loaded the workflow into the database (python manage.py loadworkflow journalism_workflow v1).

The journalism workflow requires Google Apps integration to run, so make sure in orchestra_settings.py you set settings.GOOGLE_APPS to True, and fill in values for settings.GOOGLE_SERVICE_EMAIL, settings.GOOGLE_P12_PATH, and settings.GOOGLE_PROJECT_ROOT_ID. Set up and correct values for those settings are described in the Google Apps documentation.

Next, make sure you have the journalism workflow sample data installed by running (if you haven’t already) python manage.py loadworkflowsampledata journalism/v1. This will create the following accounts:

  • username: journalism-editor, password: editor. A worker with editor certification.
  • username: journalism-reporter-1, password: reporter. A worker with entry-level reporter certification.
  • username: journalism-reporter-2, password: reporter. A worker with review-level reporter certification.
  • username: journalism-photographer-1, password: photographer. A worker with entry-level photographer certification.
  • username: journalism-photographer-2, password: photographer. A worker with review-level photographer certification.
  • username: journalism-copy-editor, password: copy-editor. A worker with copy_editor certification.

Start the workflow

The journalism workflow comes with a management script to start and monitor the workflow. To start the workflow:

  • Make sure Orchestra is running with python manage.py runserver.

  • In another tab, run:

    python manage.py journalism_workflow_ctl --new

This will take a bit (because it is automatically running the document creation workflow step), but will eventually return a project id (probably 1), which you should store for future use, and output JSON info about the project.

Complete the steps

To navigate the workflow, first log in as the journalism-editor user and request a new task. The interface should look like the image below:


Fill out the high-level story idea and submit the task.

Next, log in as the journalism-reporter-1 worker, and you should now have a reporting task available. The interface looks like the image below–use the google doc to write your article.


When you submit, you’ll note that the task appears in the ‘Awaiting Review’ section. That’s your cue to log in as journalism-reporter-2 and review the work. Once you’re satisfied with it, accept it.

In parallel to logging in as a reporter, you can log in as journalism-photographer-1 and journalism-photographer-2 to take and review photographs relevant to the article. You should see an interface like the image below, which encourages you to add photos to a shared ‘Raw Photos’ folder. The interface should look like the below:


Once you’ve accepted the photography as journalism-photographer-2, the machine task to auto-process the photos should run. Our implementation simply makes any images in ‘Raw Photos’ greyscale, but you could imagine more complicated adjustments.

Finally, log in as journalism-copy-editor to give the article a headline and caption the photos. You should observe that your photos have been greyscaled as desired, as in the image below:


Once you submit the task, the workflow is done! You’ve successfully coordinated 6 expert workers and 2 machine tasks to tell a story.

Verify the final JSON output

You’ll note that our workflow didn’t actually lay the article out in its final print or electronic form. That’s because, in reality, this workflow would have been kicked off by a newsroom’s content management system with auto-layout capabilities based on the JSON the project produced. To see the JSON that the workflow produces for input into such a system, run:

python manage.py journalism_workflow_ctl --finish -p <PROJECT_ID>

where <PROJECT_ID> is the project id you were given when you created the project.

You should see output like:

{'articleDocument': 'https://docs.google.com/document/d/someid',
 'headline': 'Your Headline',
 'photos': [{'caption': 'Your Caption 1',
             'src': 'https://docs.google.com/uc?id=someid'},
            {'caption': 'Your Caption 2',
     'src': 'htps://docs.google.com/uc?id=someid2'},

which summarizes all of the work accomplished in the workflow.

The code

All of the code used to create the new room workflow is located in our github repo. There are three main components to the code: The workflow definition, the interface implementations for the human steps, and the python code for the machine steps.

The workflow definition

The workflow is defined in journalism_workflow/workflow.json, and its latest version (version 1) is defined in journalism_workflow/v1/version.json. These files declaratively defines the steps listed above, in programmatic form.

workflow.json defines the workflow with a name and short description:

  "slug": "journalism",
  "name": "Journalism Workflow",
  "description": "Create polished newspaper articles from scratch.",

It also describes certifications required by the workflow:

  "certifications": [
      "slug": "editor",
      "name": "Editor",
      "description": "Trained in planning story ideas"
      "slug": "reporter",
      "name": "Reporter",
      "description": "Trained in researching and writing articles"
      "slug": "photographer",
      "name": "Photographer",
      "description": "Trained in taking photos for articles"
      "slug": "copy_editor",
      "name": "Copy Editor",
      "description": "Trained in assembling photos and text into article layout"

And provides the location of a python function to load sample data:

  "sample_data_load_function": {
    "module": "journalism_workflow.load_sample_data",
    "name": "load"

version.json defines the steps of the workflow. Check out the source for all of the step definitions, but here we’ll list two.

Below is the definition of the human step that takes an editor’s story idea and asks a reporter to write an article based on it:

  "slug": "reporting",
  "name": "Reporting",
  "description": "Research and draft the article text",
  "is_human": true,
  "creation_depends_on": [
  "required_certifications": [
  "review_policy": {
    "policy": "sampled_review",
    "rate": 1,
    "max_reviews": 1
  "user_interface": {
    "angular_module": "journalism_workflow.v1.reporter",
    "angular_directive": "reporter",
    "javascript_includes": [

Note that we’ve specified step dependencies with creation_depends_on, required worker skills with required_certifications, and user interface javascript files with user_interface. In addition, we’ve asked that all reporters have their work reviewed by a senior reporter by specifying a sampled review_policy with a rate of 100% (rate goes from 0 to 1).

Next, we show a machine step, in this case the step that takes our photographers’ output (a directory of images), and processes those images for layout:

  "slug": "photo_adjustment",
  "name": "Photo Adjustment",
  "description": "Automatically crop and rescale images",
  "is_human": false,
  "creation_depends_on": [
  "execution_function": {
    "path": "journalism_workflow.v1.adjust_photos.autoadjust_photos"

The basic arguments are similar, but we specify the step type as not human ("is_human": false), and insead of a user interface, we pass a python function to execute (autoadjust_photos here).

The interface implementations

In order for our workflows to be usable by experts, we need to display an interface for each human step. Orchestra uses angular.js for all of our interfaces. The interfaces all live under journalism_workflow/static/journalism_workflow.

Remember that in our workflow definition, we specified user interfaces with JSON that looked like this:

  "angular_module": "journalism_workflow.v1.editor",
  "angular_directive": "editor",
  "javascript_includes": [
  "stylesheet_includes": []

Orchestra will automatically inject the specified angular_directive into the website, which should be implemented in the files listed in javascript_includes. To have CSS available in your interface, just list the file paths in stylesheet_includes.

An angular interface is composed of a few things: a controller that sets up state for the interface, a directive that injects the interface into a website, a module that registers the controllers and directives, and a partial that contains an html template for the interface. The angular docs do a better job of explaining these than we will, but here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • In our directives, we use:

    scope: {
      taskAssignment: '=',

    to ensure that the input data for a step is available (it will be accessible at taskAssignment.task.data

  • In our controllers, we use:

    MyController.$inject = ['$scope', 'orchestraService'];

    to ensure that the task data is passed to the controller. orchestraService has useful convenience functions for dealing with the task data like orchestraService.taskUtils.prerequisiteData($scope.taskAssignment, stepSlug, dataKey), which will get the taskAssignment for the previous step called step_slug (and optionally the data specified by data_key).

And of course, please refer to the newsroom workflow step interfaces as examples.

The machine steps

Our workflow has two machine steps, one for creating documents and folders, and one for adjusting images.

A machine step is just a Python function with a simple signature:

def my_machine_step(project_data, prerequisites):
  # implement machine-y goodness
  return { 'output_data_key': 'value' }

It takes two arguments, a python dictionary containing global project data and a python dictionary containing state from all prerequisite workflow steps (and their prerequisites, and so on). The function can do whatever it likes, and returns a JSON-encodable dictionary containing state that should be made available to future steps (in the prerequisites argument for a machine step, and in the angular scope for a human interface).

For example, our image adjustment step (in journalism_workflow/v1/adjust_photos.py) gets the global project directory from project_data, uses Orchestra’s Google Apps integration to create a new subfolder for processed photos, downloads all the raw photos, uses pillow to process them (for now it just makes them greyscale), then re-uploads them to the new folder.

Providing sample data

In the workflow definition, we specified a module and function name for loading sample data with JSON that looked like:

  "sample_data_load_function": {
    "path": "journalism_workflow.load_sample_data.load"

This function should create Django model objects (typically Users, Workers, and WorkerCertifications) that are helpful for a sample run through the workflow. The function has a simple signature, and might look like (for example):

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

def load(workflow_version):
  user = User.objects.update_or_create(
      'first_name': 'Test',
      'last_name': 'User',

Once that function is defined, sample data can be loaded with:

python manage.py loadworkflowsampledata <WORKFLOW_SLUG>/<WORKFLOW_VERSION>