Source code for orchestra.utils.task_properties

from orchestra.models import Task

[docs]def assignment_history(task): """ Return all assignments for `task` ordered by `assignment_counter`. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. Returns: assignment_history ([orchestra.models.TaskAssignment]): All assignments for `task` ordered by `assignment_counter`. """ return task.assignments.order_by('assignment_counter')
[docs]def current_assignment(task): """ Return the in-progress assignment for `task`. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. Returns: current_assignment (orchestra.models.TaskAssignment): The in-progress assignment for `task`. """ assignments = assignment_history(task) if task.status == Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING: # Get second-to-last assignment, since reviewer rejected return assignments.reverse()[1] else: return assignments.last()
[docs]def all_workers(task): """ Return all workers for a given task. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. Returns: all_workers ([orchestra.models.Worker]): A list of all workers involved with `task`. """ return [assignment.worker for assignment in assignment_history(task).all()]
[docs]def is_worker_assigned_to_task(worker, task): """ Check if specified worker is assigned to the given task. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. task (orchestra.models.Task): The given task object. Returns: worker_assigned_to_task (bool): True if worker has existing assignment for the given task. """ return (task.assignments .filter(worker=worker) .exists())