Source code for orchestra.utils.task_lifecycle

import random
from datetime import datetime
from importlib import import_module

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction

from orchestra.core.errors import AssignmentPolicyError
from orchestra.core.errors import IllegalTaskSubmission
from orchestra.core.errors import ModelSaveError
from orchestra.core.errors import NoTaskAvailable
from orchestra.core.errors import ReviewPolicyError
from orchestra.core.errors import TaskAssignmentError
from orchestra.core.errors import TaskDependencyError
from orchestra.core.errors import TaskStatusError
from orchestra.core.errors import WorkerCertificationError
from orchestra.models import Project
from orchestra.models import Task
from orchestra.models import TaskAssignment
from orchestra.models import Worker
from orchestra.models import WorkerCertification
from orchestra.slack import add_worker_to_project_team
from orchestra.utils.assignment_snapshots import empty_snapshots
from orchestra.utils.notifications import notify_status_change
from orchestra.utils.task_properties import assignment_history
from orchestra.utils.task_properties import current_assignment
from orchestra.utils.task_properties import is_worker_assigned_to_task
from orchestra.workflow import get_workflow_by_slug
from orchestra.workflow import Step

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_latest_task_data(task):
    Return latest input data for a specified task.

        task (orchestra.models.Task):
            The task object for which to retrieve data.

        latest_data (str):
            A serialized JSON blob containing the latest input data.
    active_assignment = (task.assignments
    if active_assignment.exists():
        assignment = active_assignment[0]
        assignment = (task.assignments.all()
    if not assignment:
        return None

    latest_data = assignment.in_progress_task_data
    return latest_data

[docs]def worker_assigned_to_max_tasks(worker): """ Check whether worker is assigned to the maximum number of tasks. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. Returns: assigned_to_max_tasks (bool): True if worker is assigned to the maximum number of tasks. """ # # TODO(jrbotros): allow per-user exception to task limit # return (TaskAssignment.objects # .filter(worker=worker, # status=TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING, # task__status=Task.Status.PROCESSING) # .count()) >= settings.ORCHESTRA_MAX_IN_PROGRESS_TASKS assigned_to_max_tasks = False return assigned_to_max_tasks
[docs]def worker_assigned_to_rejected_task(worker): """ Check whether worker is assigned to a task that has been rejected. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. Returns: assigned_to_rejected_task (bool): True if worker is assigned to a task that has been rejected. """ assigned_to_rejected_task = ( TaskAssignment.objects .filter(worker=worker, status=TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING, task__status=Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING) .exists() ) return assigned_to_rejected_task
[docs]def worker_has_reviewer_status(worker, task_class=WorkerCertification.TaskClass.REAL): """ Check whether worker is a reviewer for any certification for a given task class. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. task_class (orchestra.models.WorkerCertification.TaskClass): The specified task class. Returns: has_reviwer_status (bool): True if worker is a reviewer for any certification for a given task class. """ has_reviwer_status = ( WorkerCertification.objects .filter(worker=worker, role=WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER, task_class=task_class) .exists()) return has_reviwer_status
def _worker_certified_for_task(worker, task, role, task_class=WorkerCertification.TaskClass.REAL): """ Check whether worker is certified for a given task, role, and task class. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. task_class (orchestra.models.WorkerCertification.TaskClass): The specified task class. Returns: certified_for_task (bool): True if worker is certified for a given task, role, and task class. """ workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(task.step_slug) match_count = ( WorkerCertification .objects .filter(worker=worker, role=role, task_class=task_class, certification__slug__in=step.required_certifications) .count()) certified_for_task = len(step.required_certifications) == match_count return certified_for_task def _role_required_to_assign(task): """ Return the role required to assign or reassign a task, and a flag to indicate whether the task requires reassignment. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. Returns: required_role (orchestra.models.WorkerCertification.Role): Role required to assign or reassign the task. needs_reassign (bool): True if the task requires reassignment. """ post_review_role = WorkerCertification.Role.ENTRY_LEVEL final_role = WorkerCertification.Role.ENTRY_LEVEL assignment_count = task.assignments.count() if assignment_count > 2: # Role required to reassign post-review processing tasks post_review_role = WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER if assignment_count > 1: # Role required to reassign complete and aborted tasks final_role = WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER roles = { Task.Status.AWAITING_PROCESSING: WorkerCertification.Role.ENTRY_LEVEL, Task.Status.PENDING_REVIEW: WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER } reassigns = { Task.Status.PROCESSING: WorkerCertification.Role.ENTRY_LEVEL, Task.Status.REVIEWING: WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER, Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING: post_review_role, Task.Status.COMPLETE: final_role } # If task rejected from higher-level reviewer to a lower-level one, it can # only be reassigned to a reviewer required_role, needs_reassign = roles.get(task.status, None), False if required_role is None: required_role, needs_reassign = reassigns.get(task.status, None), True if required_role is None: raise TaskStatusError('Task status not found.') return required_role, needs_reassign # TODO(jrbotros): make this accept worker_id, task_id instead @transaction.atomic
[docs]def assign_task(worker_id, task_id): """ Return a given task after assigning or reassigning it to the specified worker. Args: worker_id (int): The ID of the worker to be assigned. task_id (int): The ID of the task to be assigned. Returns: task (orchestra.models.Task): The newly assigned task. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.TaskAssignmentError: The specified worker is already assigned to the given task or the task status is not compatible with new assignment. orchestra.core.errors.WorkerCertificationError: The specified worker is not certified for the given task. """ worker = Worker.objects.get(id=worker_id) task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id) required_role, requires_reassign = _role_required_to_assign(task) assignment = current_assignment(task) if not _worker_certified_for_task(worker, task, required_role): raise WorkerCertificationError('Worker not certified for this task.') if is_worker_assigned_to_task(worker, task): raise TaskAssignmentError('Worker already assigned to this task.') # If task is currently in progress, reassign it if requires_reassign: assignment.worker = worker add_worker_to_project_team(worker, task.project) return task # Otherwise, create new assignment assignment_counter = task.assignments.count() in_progress_task_data = {} if required_role == WorkerCertification.Role.REVIEWER: # In-progress task data is the latest # submission by a previous worker in_progress_task_data = assignment.in_progress_task_data previous_status = task.status if previous_status == Task.Status.AWAITING_PROCESSING: task.status = Task.Status.PROCESSING elif previous_status == Task.Status.PENDING_REVIEW: task.status = Task.Status.REVIEWING else: raise TaskAssignmentError('Status incompatible with new assignment') (TaskAssignment.objects .create(worker=worker, task=task, status=TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING, assignment_counter=assignment_counter, in_progress_task_data=in_progress_task_data, snapshots=empty_snapshots())) add_worker_to_project_team(worker, task.project) notify_status_change(task, previous_status) return task
[docs]def get_task_details(task_id): """ Return various information about the specified task. Args: task_id (int): The ID of the desired task. Returns: task_details (dict): Information about the specified task. """ task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id) workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(task.step_slug) prerequisites = previously_completed_task_data(task) task_details = { 'workflow': { 'slug': workflow.slug, 'name': }, 'step': { 'slug': step.slug, 'name': }, 'task_id':, 'project': { 'id':, 'details': task.project.short_description, 'review_document_url': task.project.review_document_url, 'project_data': task.project.project_data }, 'prerequisites': prerequisites } return task_details
[docs]def get_task_assignment_details(task_assignment): """ Return various information about the specified task assignment. Args: task_assignment (orchestra.models.TaskAssignment): The specified task assignment. Returns: task_assignment_details (dict): Information about the specified task assignment. """ reviewer_task_assignment = ( TaskAssignment.objects.filter( task=task_assignment.task) .order_by('-assignment_counter')[0]) task_assignment_details = { 'task': { 'data': task_assignment.in_progress_task_data, 'status': (dict(Task.STATUS_CHOICES) [task_assignment.task.status]) }, 'status': (dict(TaskAssignment.STATUS_CHOICES) [task_assignment.status]), 'is_reviewer': ( == and task_assignment.assignment_counter > 0), 'is_read_only': ( task_assignment.status != TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING), 'work_times_seconds': [ snapshot['work_time_seconds'] for snapshot in task_assignment.snapshots['snapshots']] } return task_assignment_details
[docs]def get_task_overview_for_worker(task_id, worker): """ Get information about `task` and its assignment for `worker`. Args: task_id (int): The ID of the desired task object. worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. Returns: task_assignment_details (dict): Information about `task` and its assignment for `worker`. """ task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id) if not is_worker_assigned_to_task(worker, task): raise TaskAssignmentError('Worker is not associated with task') task_details = get_task_details(task_id) task_assignment = TaskAssignment.objects.get(worker=worker, task=task) task_assignment_details = get_task_assignment_details(task_assignment) task_assignment_details.update(task_details) return task_assignment_details
[docs]def tasks_assigned_to_worker(worker): """ Get all the tasks associated with `worker`. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The specified worker object. Returns: tasks_assigned (dict): A dict with information about the worker's tasks, used in displaying the Orchestra dashboard. """ valid_task_assignments = TaskAssignment.objects.exclude( task__status=Task.Status.ABORTED) # get all active task assignments for a user active_task_assignments = ( valid_task_assignments .filter( worker=worker, status=TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING) .order_by('-task__project__priority', 'task__project__start_datetime')) inactive_task_assignments = ( valid_task_assignments .filter( worker=worker, status=TaskAssignment.Status.SUBMITTED ) .exclude(task__status=Task.Status.COMPLETE) .order_by('-task__project__priority', 'task__project__start_datetime')) inactive_processing_task_assignments = [] inactive_review_task_assignments = [] for task_assignment in inactive_task_assignments: if ( valid_task_assignments .filter( status=TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING,, assignment_counter__lt=task_assignment.assignment_counter) .exists()): inactive_processing_task_assignments.append(task_assignment) else: inactive_review_task_assignments.append(task_assignment) # TODO(marcua): Do a better job of paginating than cutting off to the most # recent 20 tasks. complete_task_assignments = ( valid_task_assignments .filter(worker=worker, task__status=Task.Status.COMPLETE) .order_by('-task__project__priority', '-task__project__start_datetime')[:20]) task_assignments_overview = { 'returned': ( active_task_assignments .filter(task__status=Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING)), 'in_progress': ( active_task_assignments .exclude(task__status=Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING)), 'pending_review': inactive_review_task_assignments, 'pending_processing': inactive_processing_task_assignments, 'complete': complete_task_assignments} tasks_assigned = {} for state, task_assignments in iter(task_assignments_overview.items()): tasks_val = [] for task_assignment in task_assignments: workflow = get_workflow_by_slug( task_assignment.task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step( task_assignment.task.step_slug) # TODO(marcua): project should be workflow here, no? tasks_val.append({'id':, 'step':, 'project':, 'detail': task_assignment.task.project.short_description}) tasks_assigned[state] = tasks_val return tasks_assigned
def _is_review_needed(task): """ Determine if `task` will be reviewed according to its step policy. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. Returns: review_needed (bool): True if review is determined to be needed according to the task's step policy. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.ReviewPolicyError: The specified review policy type is not supported. """ workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(task.step_slug) policy = step.review_policy.get('policy', None) sample_rate = step.review_policy.get('rate', None) max_reviews = step.review_policy.get('max_reviews', None) if (policy == 'sampled_review' and sample_rate is not None and max_reviews is not None): task_assignment_count = task.assignments.all().count() if max_reviews <= task_assignment_count - 1: return False return random.random() < sample_rate elif policy == 'no_review': return False else: raise ReviewPolicyError('Review policy incorrectly specified.')
[docs]def get_next_task_status(task, snapshot_type): """ Given current task status and snapshot type provide new task status. If the second level reviewer rejects a task then initial reviewer cannot reject it further down, but must fix and submit the task. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. task_status (orchestra.models.TaskAssignment.SnapshotType): The action to take upon task submission (e.g., SUBMIT, ACCEPT, REJECT). Returns: next_status (orchestra.models.Task.Status): The next status of `task`, once the `snapshot_type` action has been completed. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.IllegalTaskSubmission: The `snapshot_type` action cannot be taken for the task in its current status. """ if snapshot_type == TaskAssignment.SnapshotType.SUBMIT: if task.status == Task.Status.PROCESSING: if _is_review_needed(task): return Task.Status.PENDING_REVIEW return Task.Status.COMPLETE elif task.status == Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING: return Task.Status.REVIEWING raise IllegalTaskSubmission('Worker can only submit a task.') elif snapshot_type == TaskAssignment.SnapshotType.REJECT: if task.status == Task.Status.REVIEWING: return Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING raise IllegalTaskSubmission('Only reviewer can reject the task.') elif snapshot_type == TaskAssignment.SnapshotType.ACCEPT: if task.status == Task.Status.REVIEWING: if _is_review_needed(task): return Task.Status.PENDING_REVIEW return Task.Status.COMPLETE raise IllegalTaskSubmission('Only reviewer can accept the task.') raise IllegalTaskSubmission('Unknown task state.')
def _check_worker_allowed_new_assignment(worker, task_status): """ Check if the worker can be assigned to a new task. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The worker submitting the task. task_status (orchestra.models.Task.Status): The status of the desired new task assignment. Returns: allowed_new_assignment (bool): True if the worker can be assigned to a new task. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.TaskAssignmentError: Worker has pending reviewer feedback or is assigned to the maximum number of tasks. orchestra.core.errors.TaskStatusError: New task assignment is not permitted for the given status. """ valid_statuses = [Task.Status.AWAITING_PROCESSING, Task.Status.PENDING_REVIEW] if task_status not in valid_statuses: raise TaskStatusError('Invalid status for new task assignment.') elif worker_assigned_to_rejected_task(worker): raise TaskAssignmentError('Worker has pending reviewer feedback that ' 'must be addressed.') elif worker_assigned_to_max_tasks(worker): raise TaskAssignmentError('Worker assigned to max number of tasks.')
[docs]def get_new_task_assignment(worker, task_status): """ Check if new task assignment is available for the provided worker and task status; if so, assign the task to the worker and return the assignment. Args: worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The worker submitting the task. task_status (orchestra.models.Task.Status): The status of the desired new task assignment. Returns: assignment (orchestra.models.TaskAssignment): The newly created task assignment. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.WorkerCertificationError: No human tasks are available for the given task status except those for which the worker is not certified. orchestra.core.errors.NoTaskAvailable: No human tasks are available for the given task status. """ _check_worker_allowed_new_assignment(worker, task_status) tasks = (Task.objects .filter(status=task_status) .exclude(assignments__worker=worker) .order_by('-project__priority') .order_by('project__start_datetime')) certification_error = False for task in tasks.iterator(): try: task = assign_task(, return current_assignment(task) except WorkerCertificationError: certification_error = True except ModelSaveError: # Machine task cannot have human worker; treat machine tasks as if # they do not exist pass if certification_error: raise WorkerCertificationError else: raise NoTaskAvailable('No task available for {}'.format(worker))
[docs]def save_task(task_id, task_data, worker): """ Save the latest data to the database for a task assignment, overwriting previously saved data. Args: task_id (int): The ID of the task to save. task_data (str): A JSON blob of task data to commit to the database. worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The worker saving the task. Returns: None Raises: orchestra.core.errors.TaskAssignmentError: The provided worker is not assigned to the given task or the assignment is in a non-processing state. """ task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id) if not is_worker_assigned_to_task(worker, task): raise TaskAssignmentError('Worker is not associated with task') # Use select_for_update to prevent concurrency issues with submit_task. # See assignment = (TaskAssignment.objects.select_for_update() .get(task=task, worker=worker)) if assignment.status != TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING: raise TaskAssignmentError('Worker is not allowed to save') assignment.in_progress_task_data = task_data
def _are_desired_steps_completed_on_project(desired_steps, project=None, completed_tasks=None): """ Determines if `desired_steps` have already been completed on `project`. Either `project` or `completed_tasks` will be passed in, since the caller sometimes has one but not the other. Args: desired_steps ([orchestra.workflow.Step]): A list of steps to check for completion. project (orchestra.models.Project): The project to check for desired step completion, optionally passed in instead of a list of completed tasks. completed_tasks ([orchestra.models.Task]): A list of tasks to check for desired step completion, optionally passed in instead of a project. Returns: desired_steps_completed (bool): True if the desired steps have been completed for the given project or list of tasks. Raises: Exception: Either project or completed_tasks must be provided. """ if completed_tasks is None: if project is None: raise Exception('Must provide either project or completed_tasks') completed_tasks = Task.objects.filter(status=Task.Status.COMPLETE, project=project) completed_step_slugs = {task.step_slug for task in completed_tasks} desired_steps_completed = (len({step.slug for step in desired_steps} - completed_step_slugs) == 0) return desired_steps_completed @transaction.atomic
[docs]def submit_task(task_id, task_data, snapshot_type, worker, work_time_seconds): """ Returns a dict mapping task prerequisites onto their latest task assignment information. The dict is of the form: {'previous-slug': {task_assignment_data}, ...} Args: task_id (int): The ID of the task to submit. task_data (str): A JSON blob of task data to submit. snapshot_type (orchestra.models.TaskAssignment.SnapshotType): The action to take upon task submission (e.g., SUBMIT, ACCEPT, REJECT). worker (orchestra.models.Worker): The worker submitting the task. work_time_seconds (int): The time taken by the worker on the latest iteration of their task assignment. Returns: task (orchestra.models.Task): The modified task object. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.IllegalTaskSubmission: Submission prerequisites for the task are incomplete or the assignment is in a non-processing state. orchestra.core.errors.TaskAssignmentError: Worker belongs to more than one assignment for the given task. orchestra.core.errors.TaskStatusError: Task has already been completed. """ task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id) workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(task.step_slug) if not _are_desired_steps_completed_on_project(step.submission_depends_on, project=task.project): raise IllegalTaskSubmission('Submission prerequisites are not ' 'complete.') if task.status == Task.Status.COMPLETE: raise TaskStatusError('Task already completed') # Use select_for_update to prevent concurrency issues with save_task. # See assignments = (TaskAssignment.objects.select_for_update() .filter(worker=worker, task=task)) # Worker can belong to only one assignment for a given task. if not assignments.count() == 1: raise TaskAssignmentError( 'Task assignment with worker is in broken state.') assignment = assignments[0] if assignment.status != TaskAssignment.Status.PROCESSING: raise IllegalTaskSubmission('Worker is not allowed to submit') next_status = get_next_task_status(task, snapshot_type) assignment.in_progress_task_data = task_data assignment.snapshots['snapshots'].append( {'data': assignment.in_progress_task_data, 'datetime': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'type': snapshot_type, 'work_time_seconds': work_time_seconds }) assignment.status = TaskAssignment.Status.SUBMITTED previous_status = task.status task.status = next_status if task.status == Task.Status.REVIEWING: update_related_assignment_status(task, assignment.assignment_counter + 1, assignment.in_progress_task_data) elif task.status == Task.Status.POST_REVIEW_PROCESSING: update_related_assignment_status(task, assignment.assignment_counter - 1, assignment.in_progress_task_data) elif task.status == Task.Status.COMPLETE: create_subsequent_tasks(task.project) notify_status_change(task, previous_status) return task
[docs]def previously_completed_task_data(task): """ Returns a dict mapping task prerequisites onto their latest task assignment information. The dict is of the form: {'previous-slug': {task_assignment_data}, ...} Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The specified task object. Returns: prerequisites (dict): A dict mapping task prerequisites onto their latest task assignment information.. """ workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(task.step_slug) prerequisites = {} for required_step in step.creation_depends_on: required_task = Task.objects.get(step_slug=required_step.slug, project=task.project) if required_task.status != Task.Status.COMPLETE: raise TaskDependencyError('Task depenency is not satisfied') task_assignment = (required_task.assignments .order_by('-assignment_counter')[0]) task_details = get_task_details( task_assignment_details = get_task_assignment_details(task_assignment) task_assignment_details.update(task_details) # TODO(kkamalov): check for circular prerequisites prerequisites[required_task.step_slug] = task_assignment_details return prerequisites
[docs]def end_project(project_id): """ Mark the specified project and its component tasks as aborted. Args: project_id (int): The ID of the project to abort. Returns: None """ project = Project.objects.get(id=project_id) project.status = Project.Status.ABORTED for task in project.tasks.all(): task.status = Task.Status.ABORTED notify_status_change(task, assignment_history(task))
def _preassign_workers(task): """ Assign a new task to a worker according to its assignment policy, leaving the task unchanged if policy not present. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The newly created task to assign. Returns: task (orchestra.models.Task): The modified task object. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.AssignmentPolicyError: The specified assignment policy type is not supported or a machine step is given an assignment policy. """ workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) step = workflow.get_step(task.step_slug) policy = step.assignment_policy.get('policy') related_steps = step.assignment_policy.get('steps') if step.worker_type == Step.WorkerType.MACHINE: if policy: raise AssignmentPolicyError('Machine step should not have ' 'assignment policy.') elif (policy == 'previously_completed_steps' and related_steps is not None): task = _assign_worker_from_previously_completed_steps(task, related_steps) elif policy == 'anyone_certified': # Leave the task in the awaiting processing pool pass else: raise AssignmentPolicyError('Assignment policy incorrectly specified.') return task def _assign_worker_from_previously_completed_steps(task, related_steps): """ Assign a new task to the entry-level worker of the specified tasks. If no worker can be assigned, return the unmodified task. Args: task (orchestra.models.Task): The newly created task to assign. related_steps ([orchestra.workflow.steps]): List of steps from which to attempt to assign a worker. Returns: task (orchestra.models.Task): The modified task object. Raises: orchestra.core.errors.AssignmentPolicyError: Machine steps cannot be included in an assignment policy. """ workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(task.project.workflow_slug) for slug in related_steps: if workflow.get_step(slug).worker_type == Step.WorkerType.MACHINE: raise AssignmentPolicyError('Machine step should not be ' 'member of assignment policy') related_tasks = Task.objects.filter(step_slug__in=related_steps, project=task.project) for related_task in related_tasks: entry_level_assignment = assignment_history(related_task).first() if entry_level_assignment and entry_level_assignment.worker: try: return assign_task(, except: # Task could not be assigned to related worker, try with # another related worker logger.warning('Tried to assign worker %s to step %s, for ' 'which they are not certified',, task.step_slug, exc_info=True) return task # TODO(kkamalov): make a periodic job that runs this function periodically
[docs]def create_subsequent_tasks(project): """ Create tasks for a given project whose dependencies have been completed. Args: project (orchestra.models.Project): The project for which to create tasks. Returns: project (orchestra.models.Project): The modified project object. """ workflow = get_workflow_by_slug(project.workflow_slug) all_step_slugs = workflow.get_step_slugs() # get all completed tasks associated with a given project completed_tasks = Task.objects.filter(status=Task.Status.COMPLETE, project=project) completed_step_slugs = {task.step_slug for task in completed_tasks} for step_slug in all_step_slugs: if (step_slug in completed_step_slugs or Task.objects.filter(project=project, step_slug=step_slug).exists()): continue step = workflow.get_step(step_slug) if _are_desired_steps_completed_on_project( step.creation_depends_on, completed_tasks=completed_tasks): # create new task and task_assignment task = Task(step_slug=step_slug, project=project, status=Task.Status.AWAITING_PROCESSING) _preassign_workers(task) if step.worker_type == Step.WorkerType.MACHINE: machine_step_scheduler_module = import_module( settings.MACHINE_STEP_SCHEDULER[0]) machine_step_scheduler_class = getattr( machine_step_scheduler_module, settings.MACHINE_STEP_SCHEDULER[1]) machine_step_scheduler = machine_step_scheduler_class() machine_step_scheduler.schedule(, step_slug)
[docs]def task_history_details(task_id): """ Return assignment details for a specified task. Args: task_id (int): The ID of the desired task object. Returns: details (dict): A dictionary containing the current task assignment and an in-order list of related task assignments. """ task = Task.objects.get(id=task_id) details = { 'current_assignment': current_assignment(task), 'assignment_history': assignment_history(task) } return details